Thu, Dec 8
Release notes

What's New In FlutterFlow | December 8, 2022

This week we rolled out a brand new code editor, a Barcode widget, implicit animations, text masks, and a lot of refinements to how you build in FlutterFlow.

Stay tuned - we'll be back next week with a supa cool update 😎

Brand New Custom Code Editor 💡

We've completely redesigned and upgraded our custom code editor. FlutterFlow now uses the same underlying editor as VSCode, bringing you some incredible new features:

  • Semantic code autocomplete

  • Error highlighting

  • Refactoring assistance

  • Documentation on hover

  • Pubspec dependency awareness

  • Automatic updating of parameters when you change a custom widget or action parameter

These significant upgrades allow you to enjoy the same quality of experience you get in your IDEs 🔥

Barcode Widget 🔎

Our new Barcode widget lets you use scannable Bar Codes (1D Barcodes) and QR Codes (2D Barcodes) inside your app.

Choose from more than 20 bar code types (e.g. Code 39, UPC-A) and customize the colors to match your app's theme.

TextField Input Mask + Filters *️⃣

TextField Masks + Filters help ensure users enter data in the format you need. 

  • Filters: Require a user to input a specific type of data (e.g. digits, alphanumeric, etc.). For example, you could use a digits filter to ensure only numbers were used in a Payment Amount field.

  • Masks: Require a user to input a specific data type in a specific format. For example, you could use an input mask XXX-XX-XXXX to ensure a user input 10 digits for a phone number.

Using masks and filters help reduce input errors and makes it easier for users to understand exactly what data you need!

Drag To Resize 📏

You can now drag to resize containers and images directly in the app builder!

Implicit Animations for Containers 🪄

Implicit animations animate by setting a target value. Whenever that target value changes, the widget animates that property from the old to new value. You can animate color/size changes by using this feature.

To add implicit animations to your container, select the Implicit Animated toggle in the right properties panel.

Want to learn more about Implicit Animations? Check out this helpful documentation from the Flutter Team.

Show Padding In The App Builder

When you select an element, we now show you the padding (in green) associated with that widget. This small refinement makes it much easier to identify where padding is coming from!

Other Improvements 🏗️

  • Added ability to renew SSL certificates for Custom Domains

  • You can now update multiple local state variables with one action

  • You can now block users from selecting future dates in the DateTime picker

  • When you update a LocalState variable from within a component or custom widget/action, the outer page will now update and reflect the change

  • We now support JSON type variables for API calls

  • You can now override container width + height

  • Added an action to Hide Snackbar

  • You can hide the Intercom Help button from the Resources/Help menu

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fixed an issue causing Textfields to render differently in Run & Preview modes

  • Updated the active gradle version to 7.0.2

  • Fixed an issue causing Lottie animations to not work when height was set by %

  • Fixed an issue preventing adding a Firestore timestamp to a document

  • Fixed an issue with chart labels set by conditional variable not showing

To report a bug or see the status of a known bug, check out our new GitHub Issue Tracker!

RevenueCat Templates 💵 

Our friends at RevenueCat created two new marketplace templates to help you add subscriptions to your app:

Now it's even easier to start generating revenue from you app!

Build A Streaming App In FlutterFlow 📹

Want to build the next Twitch, TikTok or other streaming app? Our integration with Mux makes it fast and simple to implement high-quality live streams and on-demand playbacks.

Watch out latest tutorial on how to use FlutterFlow and Mux to build an incredible live streaming app.

New Features We're Working On 🏗️

  • Transform widget

  • Storyboarding

  • Capture image locally

  • Mp3 upload

  • Semantic labels