New Features For You ✨
We've just rolled out a big upgrade to authentication, a new widget, and A LOT of other improvements!
Also, FlutterFlow turns 3 years old on October 29th! 🥰 We're cooking up some improvements for y'all to celebrate, stay tuned! 🎂👩🍳
Custom API Authentication! 🔐
FlutterFlow now supports API based authentication! Some of you would say finally 😅. Now it is possible to build applications that integrate with a custom backend, any backend.
This works by using "Custom Authentication" actions for Login / Logout and updating the authenticated user's data. To get started:
Go to "Settings > Authentication" and set the authentication type to "Custom".
You can now use add the new "Custom Authentication > Login" action on an interaction.
Make the necessary API call, and update the user id and authentication/refresh tokens with the Login action.
Logout/Update User actions are also available.

Carousel Widget + Action 🎡
Carousels display a series of items, such as images or cards, that a user can swipe through. They are commonly used to create interactive slideshows, image galleries, or feature displays in applications. For example, an e-com app may use a carousel to showcase a group of featured products.
In addition to our new Carousel widget, we've also added a series of Carousel actions (e.g. Next, First, Jump To). Together these additions allow you to build more tailored and engaging user experiences.

JSON <-> Data Type 🔄
Working with APIs just got a lot simpler! With our new JSON to Data Type feature, you can create a Data Type with the same structure as your API response and convert the JSON returned by the API to the Data Type. You'll only need to create this Data Type once for your entire project. No more typos in your JSON path or requests!

Improved UX For Action Flows 🪄
We listened to your feedback and made some upgrades to working with actions. You now have the ability to:
Show condition labels for multi-conditions. 🏷️
Change action names. 🔄
Add documentation on conditional actions + loops. 📜

Other Improvements 🏗️
You can now set drawer width dynamically (by variable).
You can now reposition Calendar widget title and icons.
We've added new Advanced iOS Settings (Settings > Platforms) where you can disable iPad support.
Added ConditionalBuilder as a Wrap Widget option.
You can now use set/clear form fields actions for form fields in components. We've also added a set form field option for the PinCode widget.
You can now search inside your API library.
Added ability to hide the length counter on TextFields.
You can now rename projects from the Project Dashboard.
Added new option to paste before/after in the right click menu.
Added ability to purchase custom domains when using an Annual pricing plan.
You can now open the associated design library directly from your project. Select Theme Settings > Go To Design Library.
We created new Marketplace submission guidelines to provide more clarity on how we review and approve submissions.
Please visit the GitHub Issue Tracker for the most up to date status of all reported bugs and fixes.
Widget Tree Improvements ⬆️ ⬇️ ⬅️ ➡️
You can now use your keyboard to more quickly navigate through the widget tree:
up/down: moves between parent/child widgets
left/right: moves between the siblings of a parent widget
Plus we've added the option to copy/paste items that aren't visible in the UI Builder.

Quick Add Button For Pages & Components ➕
We've added a new button to make it even easier to add new pages and components to your project.

New Features We're Working On 🏗️
Some fun new features for our upcoming birthday 🎂🎉
How We Used FlutterFlow To Create A Custom Swag Experience
In our latest blog, our Enterprise team will show you how they used FlutterFlow to build an unique NFC card experience for Google Cloud Next. This included an application to print cards on an ID card printer and an application to write the NFC cards from our phones 🤯.