ย ยทย Don't ask why, ask why not?

'Clear Query Cache' doesn't trigger when called from an emptyListWidget.

I have two buttons on a page which calls a bottom sheet. The bottom sheet creates a record and then does a clear cache action to clear an app level query cache so the page can show the updated records.

One button appears normally on the page, and the other button exists as component that shows up only when the list view is empty. (See image below)

However, when I trigger the action from the empty list widget the clear cache action does not work.

The clear query cache action works when it is triggered from the first button, which is natively present on the page.

I tried adding alerts before and after "Action 4", but the alerts don't show either when triggered from the empty list widget. Is this an issue with the test mode alone? Has anyone else had this issue of clearing the cache?

Because the cache is not getting cleared the page is not getting updated with the new records.