I am new to flutteflow worlds and building a food delivery app
requirement :
want to update cart value (total) and other related values using countcountroller widget
tried looking for a solution in YouTube gone through many ecommerce app building tutorial but everyone has skipped this part it really that difficult to execute in flutteflow?
my Setup :
2 App State Variable :
1) cart (Data Type - cartItemType )
2) cartsum
flow ---
In add to cart button
Action1 >>> update App State >Add to list >> Created Cart Item (count value stored in quantity filed )
Action2 >>> cart sum > increment /decrement >> Code expression ( price * countcountroller)
Cart Page
now in cart page has to convert controller to a component as its inside a list view..
here I have tried several ways to implement this its seems straightforward like storing the new "count " data in an App state variable and then use it in cart page to update the "cartsum" value
or directly access widget state of "count controller" in cart page itself then update the "cartsum"
what I can understand is I am ok till this point …but unbale to figure out the right way to update the variable "cart" and " cartsum"
please anyone show some guide light to me