Josh Graef
ย ยทย Designer

How do you properly set up Permission Requests?

I have two buttons for adding photos to the app via Camera or Photo Library:

Question #1: If a user accidentally denies permissions...what happens when they hit these buttons? Are they just broken? Do I need to somehow show a pop-up or message letting the user know they need to go to settings to enable camera/photo library? Or if they deny permissions, will it automatically know to request them if they push these buttons?

Question #2: Should I add Permission Requests to EACH camera/photo library button across the entire app or will that ask for permissions when they've already agreed to them?

Question #3: Assuming people deny NOTIFICATION permissions the first time, can I send them another permissions request popup after a key conversion (like making a purchase)? I figure they may realize the need for the notifications at that point. But once they've denied them once, is it not possible to request notifications again or can you request permissions as many time as you want?

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