Firebase Cloud Function billing from FF

Database & APIs

I've used Firebase Functions quite a bit in the past, and even with a Blaze plan, my usage has been that low, I've never been billed for it, even on projects with a lot more Cloud Function usage.

This is my first time using functions etc within FF, and with a very small project that's just me as a single user, I've managed to rack up a bill of about ยฃ5 a month, which is being cause purely by testing, not any real usage.

Looking at Google Cloud billing, 100% of these costs are coming from Cloud Functions and are being caused by:

  • Idle Min-Instance Memory Allocation Time

  • Idle Min-Instance CPU Allocation Time

Does anyone know what could be causing this, I've got 5 functions:
- addFcmToken (generated by FF)
- onUserDeleted (generated by FF)
- sendPushNotificationsTrigger (generated by FF)

then I've 2 custom ones that are generated by FF's API tool, but it is essentially a function that calls an external API and returns a value (no errors on it, and extremely quick response time)

What have you tried so far?

Looked at the source code for the functions, but can't identify what's causing these bills.

According to these docs:

Note also that when you set a minimum number of instances, you are billed for the idle time of those instances

I've checked the minimum instances for all 5 of the functions created. The minimum for those generated by the API tool in FF is set to 1. I assume this is the cause, but wondering if this is intentional or a bug?

Did you check FlutterFlow's Documentation for this topic?
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