I've used Firebase Functions quite a bit in the past, and even with a Blaze plan, my usage has been that low, I've never been billed for it, even on projects with a lot more Cloud Function usage.
This is my first time using functions etc within FF, and with a very small project that's just me as a single user, I've managed to rack up a bill of about ยฃ5 a month, which is being cause purely by testing, not any real usage.
Looking at Google Cloud billing, 100% of these costs are coming from Cloud Functions and are being caused by:
Idle Min-Instance Memory Allocation Time
Idle Min-Instance CPU Allocation Time
Does anyone know what could be causing this, I've got 5 functions:
- addFcmToken (generated by FF)
- onUserDeleted (generated by FF)
- sendPushNotificationsTrigger (generated by FF)
then I've 2 custom ones that are generated by FF's API tool, but it is essentially a function that calls an external API and returns a value (no errors on it, and extremely quick response time)