to my knowledge this has happened to many. and it just happened to me again!
--this Rant was wrong!
"opening the ipad app deleted all my stuff again! This time deleting 6 months work and almost 50 api calls and hundreds of fields each item renamed and connected and pages built. All gone!!! I have been working on this app now since may! Paying 70 a month and hundred of hours into it as you see in my year report! I opened my ipad today even open the. app. then I went to app store updated the flutterflow app and restarted it. it remembered my old version and now has overwritten 6 months work! WHY. please help!!!!!! this is not fair at all"
I felt this is such a loss to me as I’ve put in almost 16 hours a day for 9 months now learning, helping others and building my app. I had made back ups, set up and everything so this can’t happened again, after the last time! And that’s all gone too! I need the devs help and fast!"
ADDED NOTE! FlutterFlow now has a snapshot of every time you ran your app! just saved my life! My apologies to FlutterFlow team for the rant:)