I'm trying to test it out and see it, but I got this error.

Custom Code

but when ever i am trying to run the app it is telling that 01 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints.

Try flutter pub outdated for more information.

Launching lib/main.dart on Web Server in debug mode...

Waiting for connection from debug service on Web Server...

lib/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_charts.dart:35:48: Error: The argument type 'Color?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Color' because 'Color?' is nullable and 'Color' isn't.

- 'Color' is from 'dart:ui'.

tooltipBgColor: chartStylingInfo.tooltipBackgroundColor,


lib/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_charts.dart:513:40: Error: The argument type 'double?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'double' because 'double?' is nullable and 'double' isn't.

reservedSize: xAxisLabelInfo.reservedSize,


lib/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_charts.dart:502:13: Error: The argument type 'double?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'double' because 'double?' is nullable and 'double' isn't.

? xAxisLabelInfo.titleTextStyle!.fontSize! + 12


lib/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_charts.dart:535:40: Error: The argument type 'double?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'double' because 'double?' is nullable and 'double' isn't.

reservedSize: yAxisLabelInfo.reservedSize,


lib/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_charts.dart:526:13: Error: The argument type 'double?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'double' because 'double?' is nullable and 'double' isn't.

? yAxisLabelInfo.titleTextStyle!.fontSize! + 12


Waiting for connection from debug service on Web Server... 56.8s

Failed to compile application.

What have you tried so far?

i tried with earlier versions of pubspec dependencies but it didn't work pls anyone help me with this

Did you check FlutterFlow's Documentation for this topic?
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