Preload values for a backend query on dropdown widget?

Hello community !

I’m currently playing with dropdown lists :

1. dropdown category make a backend query to get all categories in the database. The initial configuration is the current category, passed into parameters by the precedent page.

2. dropdown manufacturer make a backend query to get all manufacturers in the database. The initial configuration is the current manufacturer, passed into parameters by the precedent page.

3. dropdown product make a backend query to get only products referenced under the current category and manufacturer. The initial configuration is the current product, passed into parameters by the precedent page.

The product backend query contains 2 parameters : cat_id (selected value from Category dropdown widget) and man_id (selected value from Manufacturer dropdown widget).

When the page loads, an error appears on the product name droppdown, which means the backend query did not worked as expected.

But after I tap on the screen (or click with my mouse), the value is updated :

And I can select the product name from the dropdown as expected, with only labels filtered by Category and Manufacturer.

The behavior I would like is the product name to be shown directly, as the category and manufacturer. I pass the current product_id to this dropdown as initial configuration, and it should change only if I want to select another value from the dropdown.

I think there is a problem of maybe preloading the value from Category dropdown and the value from Manufacturer dropdown widgets, which are used in the Product dropdown query ?

Does anyone have an idea of how to achieve it in way that works without error message at first load of the page ?