Supabase Create account action doesn't redirect

Hello FF !
I have a Flutterflow project, configured with Supabase (Confirmation email option activated).

In the Sign Up form, once completed, I press the "Sign up button", I receive the confirmation mail, I have the account entry on supabase.
All good so far, except that on the app (on test mode, haven't tested on real device), the redirect action in the action workflow cannot be performed, in fact, any action after the Creation Account isn't performed. This is the Action Flow :

I tried :
- Adding a wait after the Auth Action (1000ms to 3000ms didn't work)
- Replace the navigate To with an update of a page state with a conditional builder showing a different UI instead of redirecting -> Didn't work

I'm displaying a variable on the screen that should be updated after the Auth action, and it doesn't show up. I feel like any action block after Auth - Create Account, isn't performed ?

I would really appreciate if anyone could help on that

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