FlutterFlow offers a variety of built-in widgets, but what if you need a widget with functionalities beyond the standard set? That's where FlutterFlow's custom code features come into play. Take the Signature widget as an example: it's useful, but maybe you want to add some extra bells and whistles. This guide walks you through building your own enhanced Signature widget from scratch.
What we'll cover:
Crafting a Signature widget from the ground up using FlutterFlow's Custom Widget feature.
The Signature widget needs a SignatureController that will also be used to perform other related actions such as clearing signature, undo etc. We will cover how to create a single instance of the SignatureController so all our custom actions can access it.
Creating Custom Actions for tasks like clearing the signature, undoing actions, redoing actions, and converting the signature to Base64 format.
The entire guide is available in docs.flutterflow.io: https://docs.flutterflow.io/guides/building-custom-signature-widget-with-custom-code