Sachin Saini
 · FlutterFlow Expert

Generate Short Links Using Tiny URL APIs in FlutterFlow

Are you looking to streamline your app's user experience by shortening lengthy URLs? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to integrate TinyURL APIs seamlessly into your FlutterFlow project to generate concise and user-friendly short links.

Create your Tiny Url Account from here

Go through the Documents from here

Currently, Only 600 Short Links Generation are available in the free Plan, but in the video, I have already shared how to bypass this restriction and create unlimited links. Watch Video on YouTube

Step 1: Create a New API Call: tinyUrl

Step 2: Select call Method: POST

Step 3: Add API Url:[key]

Step 4: Create Variables: a. key (String) b. url (String)

Step 5: Select body JSON Type and Paste the below code

  "url": "<url>",
  "domain": "",
  "description": "string"

Step 6: Go to Response & Test:

Step 7: Add JSON Paths

Step 8: Use the API Call as per your Requirement

Video Tutorial is Coming Soon...

That's All!

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