How to Integrate Sentry with FlutterFlow: Enhance Error Monitoring in Your Apps

If you’re a developer using FlutterFlow, you’re probably already enjoying the speed and ease of creating amazing applications. But what happens when something goes wrong in production? That’s where Sentry comes in—a powerful tool for monitoring errors and keeping your applications’ performance under control. In this post, I’ll show you how to integrate Sentry into your FlutterFlow project step by step.

What is Sentry, and Why Do You Need It?

Sentry is a platform that tracks errors, exceptions, and performance issues in your applications. It allows you to identify problems before users start complaining, giving you the ability to fix them quickly.

For apps built in FlutterFlow, which often involve complex integrations with Firebase, APIs, and more, having a tool like Sentry is crucial to ensuring a seamless user experience.

Step 1: Set Up Your Sentry Account

  • Sign up for Sentry: Go to and create a free account or choose a plan that fits your needs.

  • Create a project: After logging in, select Flutter as the platform for your project. Sentry will generate a DSN (Data Source Name), which we’ll use later.

Step 2: Set Up Your FlutterFlow Project

Although FlutterFlow doesn’t have direct integration with Sentry, you can use the exported code to add this functionality. Here’s how:

  • Export your project: In FlutterFlow, go to Settings > Export Code to download your app’s files.

  • Open the project in a code editor: Use tools like Visual Studio Code or Android Studio to open the exported files.

Step 3: Integrate Sentry into Your Application

  • Add the Sentry dependency:
    In FlutterFlow, go to Settings > Project Dependencies and click Add Pub Dependency to include the following package:

  • Create a Custom Action to Configure Sentry:
    Add the following functionality:

import 'package:sentry_flutter/sentry_flutter.dart';

Future initSentry() async {
  try {
    await SentryFlutter.init(
      (options) {
        options.dsn = ""; // Use o DSN do Sentry
        options.tracesSampleRate = 1.0; // Ajuste conforme necessário
        options.profilesSampleRate = 1.0;
  } catch (error) {
    print('Erro ao inicializar o $error');

  • Add the Custom Action to main.dart:
    Make sure the code is executed when your application starts.

Step 4: Test the Integration

  • Force an error (e.g., divide by zero):
    Create a custom button using a Custom Widget to force an error:

class ErroWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  const ErroWidget({

  final double? width;
  final double? height;

  State<ErroWidget> createState() => _ErroWidgetState();

class _ErroWidgetState extends State<ErroWidget> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ElevatedButton(
      onPressed: () {
        throw Exception('This is test exception');
      child: const Text('Verify Sentry Setup'),

Add the button to your home screen and test it.

  • Check in Sentry:
    After clicking the button, go to your Sentry dashboard and confirm the error has been logged.

Integrating Sentry with FlutterFlow might seem like an extra step, but the benefit of robust error monitoring is well worth it. By following these steps, you’ll improve not only your app’s stability but also the overall user experience.

See the configuration in a FlutterFlow project

🚀 Take your applications to the next level with Sentry and FlutterFlow! Have questions or suggestions? Leave a comment!

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