I would like to know how to add a custom widget to my application

Hello ! I'm trying to add this code to a custom widget and I have no idea why I'm not succeeding. I've already added the dependency and it still doesn't recognize it and I created a code to read javascript. Below are images of the code and the widget code that I need to add

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.cepea.esalq.usp.br/br/widgetproduto.js.php?fonte=arial&tamanho=10&largura=400px&corfundo=dbd6b2&cortexto=333333&corlinha=ede7bf&id_indicador%5B%5D=50&id_indicador%5B%5D=149&id_indicador%5B%5D=35&id_indicador%5B%5D=143&id_indicador%5B%5D=53&id_indicador%5B%5D=54&id_indicador%5B%5D=91&id_indicador%5B%5D=77&id_indicador%5B%5D=12&id_indicador%5B%5D=92"></script>

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