Need a little help here!!
I'm trying to use the syncfusion_flutter_calendar: ^23.1.36 in my FF project by creating a custom widget and displaying it on a calendar screen but I don't know why it is not displaying the tasks list I'm passing to it and there are no errors in the app.
What I want to show is a Gantt chart to be able to plan and track my projects, and maybe display it on Zoom calls during planning and make changes in real-time by dragging and dropping them where and when required and maybe some other things along the lines.
I'm sharing below the code I have managed to create so far, Please help me fix it.
One more thing when I created the parameter of the tasks list in the custom widget whose type is project_tasks_data(schema) it became <ProjectTasksDataRecord> I think it is because it is a list of documents so I gave the same return type everywhere else in the custom widget.
// Automatic FlutterFlow imports
import '/backend/backend.dart';
import '/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_theme.dart';
import '/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_util.dart';
import '/custom_code/widgets/index.dart'; // Imports other custom widgets
import '/flutter_flow/custom_functions.dart'; // Imports custom functions
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// Begin custom widget code
import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_calendar/calendar.dart';
class SyncfusionCalendar extends StatefulWidget {
const SyncfusionCalendar({
Key? key,
required this.tasks,
}) : super(key: key);
final double? width;
final double? height;
final List<ProjectTasksDataRecord> tasks;
_SyncfusionCalendarState createState() => _SyncfusionCalendarState();
class _SyncfusionCalendarState extends State<SyncfusionCalendar> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SfCalendar(
view: CalendarView.timelineMonth,
dataSource: TaskDataSource(widget.tasks),
// by default the month appointment display mode set as Indicator, we can
// change the display mode as appointment using the appointment display
// mode property
monthViewSettings: const MonthViewSettings(
appointmentDisplayMode: MonthAppointmentDisplayMode.appointment),
/// An object to set the appointment collection data source to calendar, which
/// used to map the custom appointment data to the calendar appointment, and
/// allows to add, remove or reset the appointment collection.
class TaskDataSource extends CalendarDataSource {
/// Creates a meeting data source, which used to set the appointment
/// collection to the calendar
TaskDataSource(List<ProjectTasksDataRecord> source) {
appointments = source;
DateTime getStartTime(int index) {
return _getTaskgData(index).startDate!;
DateTime getEndTime(int index) {
return _getTaskgData(index).endDate!;
String getSubject(int index) {
return _getTaskgData(index).taskTitle;
Color getColor(int index) {
return _getTaskgData(index).taskColor!;
bool isAllDay(int index) {
return _getTaskgData(index).allDay;
ProjectTasksDataRecord _getTaskgData(int index) {
final dynamic task = appointments![index];
late final ProjectTasksDataRecord taskData;
if (task is ProjectTasksDataRecord) {
taskData = task;
return taskData;