Sambruce Joseph
Β Β·Β Building FFTemplates

Best Practices to Optimise Firebase Billing and Usage

Hey everyone, sharing some tips and tricks that Mr.FlutterFlow bot generated to save some bucks on our Firebase bill:

  1. Minimize Read Operations:

  • Use Firestore's query capabilities to fetch only the necessary data.

  • Implement pagination or limit the number of documents retrieved.

  • Utilize caching mechanisms to reduce the frequency of read operations.

  1. Optimize Write Operations:

    • Batch write operations using Firestore's batch writes feature to reduce the number of requests.

    • Use transactions for atomic updates to ensure data consistency.

    • Avoid unnecessary writes by updating only the required fields.

  1. Implement Security Rules:

    • Define granular security rules to restrict access to sensitive data.

    • Validate and sanitize user input to prevent unauthorized operations.

    • Utilize Firebase Authentication to authenticate users and control access.

  1. Use Indexing:

    • Create indexes for frequently queried fields to improve query performance.

    • Avoid excessive indexing to prevent unnecessary costs.

  1. Implement Data Archiving and Deletion:

    • Regularly review and delete unnecessary data to reduce storage costs.

    • Implement data archiving strategies to store infrequently accessed data in cheaper storage options.

  1. Utilize Firebase Functions:

    • Offload complex or resource-intensive operations to Firebase Functions.

    • Implement server-side logic to reduce client-side operations and improve performance.

  1. Monitor and Analyze Usage:

    • Utilize Firebase's usage monitoring and analytics tools to identify areas of high usage.

    • Optimize code and database structure based on usage patterns.

Do you guys have any other tips and tricks?

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