I have 5 different collections under user collection in firebase.
Here there are collections such as category, company, contractType, person that the user creates for himself. When a document is created for the contracts collection, these collection values are listed in the dropdown in the interface and the selected values are used as string values in the contracts document.
In the user interface, I list the contracts in a listview.I have 3 different filters here.One of my filters sorts the contracts according to the 'endDate' value in DateTime format in the contract document, from large to small.At the same time, in the upper left corner, I filter the contracts according to values such as category, compnay, contractType, person.
I get the following error when I want to use two filters at the same time.
Here I am given a link where I can create a composite index.I have 4 filtering and 2 sorting criteria.It means that I need to create many composite indexes here.How can I easily pass this situation? Can I do the filtering process independently from firebase with custom action or is there an easier way to create a composite index? I am waiting for your help.