Mick Gow
 · UX Designer armed with a swiss army knife of skills

Recommendations: image hosting + caching + resizing

Currently doing research and looking for recommendations for which image service to use for an app that will be very image heavy (lots of user uploads and large photos).

Looking for something that's super efficient CDN, but also allows to be able to re-size image on-the-fly for places like displaying thumbnails to speed up the performance.

Which products work well with Flutterflow withough requiring custom code. (E.g. ideally I can just append url parameters to the images to adjust what sizes I want to call.

Top of mind is pricing.

I am researching imgix, cloudflare, cloudinary, TwicPic.

Also debating whether I should just use these third party tools vs. upload everything to firebase storage as a backup in a way, then offload them to these CDNs.

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