Running code in Visual Studio Code


Trying this with VS Code instead as I couldn't get it to work with Android Studios.

I am on windows 10 using Visual Studio Code version 1.85.1

I downloaded the code. Unzipped it into a directory.

Open VS Code and clicked Open Directory. Clicked on the directory I unzipped to.

Ran "Flutter pub get" and got the following screen shot.

Then I ran flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

and got:

PS C:\Users\Chris\Downloads\rate_the_block> flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Deprecated. Use dart run instead.

Could not find package "build_runner". Did you forget to add a dependency?

PS C:\Users\Chris\Downloads\rate_the_block>

I am at a loss as where to go from here. I have googled this for days with Android Studio and VSC.

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