flutterflow_ui package: Export FlutterFlow UI code to existing Flutter codebase

Mon, Nov 6

Introducing flutterflow_ui on pub.dev for Flutter devs – easily export your FlutterFlow UI code to your Flutter projects. 💙

Now it’s incredibly easy to build beautiful pages & components with animations using FlutterFlow’s drag and drop interface and then export the generated code into your existing Flutter projects.

Here’s how:

  • In your FlutterFlow project, head to the Developer Menu and click on "View Code". Copy the widget & model code for your pages/components and paste it back to your Flutter project.

  • Next, add the flutterflow_ui dependency to your pubspec.yaml file and run "flutter pub get".

  • Now, remove the FlutterFlow path imports and replace it with the package import.

  • Finally, remove any unnecessary code, check your model file imports, and now you're ready to run the FlutterFlow generated UI from your Flutter projects. 🎉

Check out our documentation for more detailed example https://docs.flutterflow.io/flutter/export-flutterflow-ui-code-to-your-flutter-project